- book transfer
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English-russian accounting dictionary. 2014.
English-russian accounting dictionary. 2014.
Book Transfer — The transfer of funds from one deposit account to another at the same financial institution. Book transfer is a way to eliminate check clearing float because unlike with interbank transfers, there is no wait time for intrabank transfers. Check… … Investment dictionary
book transfer — The transfer of title to a buyer without a physical movement of the product. Exchange Handbook Glossary * * * book transfer UK US noun [C] FINANCE ► a record of a change in who owns shares, bonds, etc., when certificates are not given to the… … Financial and business terms
book transfer — transfer of funds listed in the accounting records … English contemporary dictionary
Book transfer — An ISO term. A transfer between two accounts both serviced by the bank executing the transaction … International financial encyclopaedia
transfer — A change of ownership from one person or party to another. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary On the London Stock Exchange, the form signed by the seller of a security authorising the company to remove his name from the register, and substitute that… … Financial and business terms
book entry — The nonphysical record of ownership, custody, and transfer of securities through electronic means. The system for settlement, delivery, and custody of uncertificated securities. American Banker Glossary An electronic system of keeping records of… … Financial and business terms
transfer — ♦♦ transfers, transferring, transferred (The verb is pronounced [[t]trænsfɜ͟ː(r)[/t]]. The noun is pronounced [[t]træ̱nsfɜː(r)[/t]].) 1) V ERG If you transfer something or someone from one place to another, or they transfer from one place to… … English dictionary
Transfer agent — Companies that have publicly traded securities typically use transfer agents to keep track of the individuals and entities that own their stocks and bonds. Most transfer agents are banks or trust companies, but sometimes a company acts as its own … Wikipedia
transfer — v. & n. v. (transferred, transferring) 1 tr. (often foll. by to) a convey, remove, or hand over (a thing etc.) (transferred the bag from the car to the station). b make over the possession of (property, a ticket, rights, etc.) to a person… … Useful english dictionary
transfer book — noun : a register of transfers (as of shares of stock) from one party to another * * * transfer book noun A register of the transfer of property, shares, etc • • • Main Entry: ↑transfer … Useful english dictionary
Book discussion club — A book discussion club is a group of people who meet to discuss a book or books that they have read and express their opinions, likes, dislikes, etc. It is more often called simply a book club, a term that is also used to describe a book sales… … Wikipedia